Click on horse's name or picture for more information, photos, and videos if available.

Spooked By A Cat
 LTE $417,059 
2006 Sorrel Quarter Horse Gelding
Sire: Cat Ichi
Dam: San Starlight
2023 NCHA Hall of Fame
Miss Haulin Hickory
1998 Sorrel Quarter Horse Mare
This mare has produce earnings of: $697,923!
She is the dam of NCHA HALL OF FAMER, CRAFTY WITH COWS as well as Lil Dulce Lu (LTE: $224,621.00)
Lil Dulce Lu
 LTE: $224,621.00 
2004 Sorrel Quarter Horse Mare
2011 Open Reserve World Champion Mare.
California Facility
Reproduction & Retirees
14300 Jackson Rd.
Rancho Murieta, CA 95683
PH: 916-354-2074
FAX: 916-354-9652
Texas Headquarters
All training horses
188 Coleman Ln
Weatherford, TX 76087
Click here for additional contact information

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